
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2018


  Meritt Protocol Für anekdotische Fundraising, Icon Finanzierung, etc. Meritt ist eine Plattform, um kumulative und globale Loyalitäts- und Zentrierungsergebnisse anzusprechen. Wenn Sie eine große Anzahl von Loyalitätsprogrammen von verschiedenen Punkten aus überprüfen, kann der Sucher keine gute Anwendung finden. Dies, zusätzlich zu der Tatsache, dass ein Loyalitätsprogramm mit seinem Wohlstand und der erhöhten Verantwortung für das Unternehmen nicht umgesetzt wird, verschlechtert weiterhin die Verbraucher. Sehen wir uns an, wie dieses Projekt einen Wert für solche Systeme darstellt und wie sich diese Projekte von den Plattformen der Projektblöcke unterscheiden, ähnlich wie die Integration der Blockpunkte. Tauschen Sie Geld in den Augen von Meritt Merchant Merchants oder Merks Meritt oder umgekehrt. Verdienen Sie Nutzer, um Produkte von Ihrem Partnerprogramm zu kaufen. Affiliate-Programme profitieren von mehr Möglichkeiten durch Marketing, Promotion und Käufe. Meritt ist e

MF Chain

Modern Finance Chain Offers Blockchain Community Development Features The modern finance chain is an upcoming model being proposed on the Blockchain technology that would act as a platform for other models of this technology. Here different services and products would be available for purchase from diverse merchant services. Those who create unique products or wish to launch new ideas would be able to collaborate and find investors as well as a customer community here. The platform would also have resources for developers. They will find a platform based on smart contracts which would have multilingual support. Hence, different kinds of tools can be developed rapidly and deployed through this framework. The platform would have universal support features to embrace different kinds of Blockchain technology. It would include payment solutions as well as rewards programs for consumers and merchants. That would make it easy for both parties to embrace the crypto currency payment m


Maestro: Bringing A Revolution To The Digital Music World through Blockchain!!! In the world we live in today, it is good to know that blockchain technology is now changing the face of the digital music industry. Although, the existing blockchain music services now focus solely on improving the established streaming and distribution structures, and fail to address fundamental problems of the current industry. We notice that future music products that are developed with blockchain, unlike their predecessors, must utilize the technology of blockchain to provide innovative functions focuses on revolutionizing the music industry. There is a platform that was made to solve the problems that is facing the music industry these days. Have you heard of MAESTRO? MAESTRO is a blockchain-based music platform that acts as a creative ecosystem which is established on virtuous cycles of mutual cooperation between creators and consumers. It is a platform that was created to tackle the challeng


ZAN Coin (ZAN) 코인 소개 (Bringing IT Consulting and Development) 잔 코인이라고 해야할지 제인코인이라 해야할지 모르겠지만 제인코인이라 명명해보겠습니다. 제인코인은 IT 컨설팅 및 개발에 있어 혁신적이고 과감한 소프트웨어 판매방식을 가진 코인입니다. 제인코인 그룹은 프리랜서 개발자들이 직면한 문제에 대해 자문을 구해주는 회사입니다. 문제해결에 있어 제인 코인을 사용하게 되면 빠른 결제와 효율적인 업무를 통해 함께하는 파트너들에게 혜택을 줄 수 있습니다. ZAN코인을 이용할 경우 결제 문제 뿐만 아니라 3가지의 핵심 포인트인, 빠른 결제 동기화 구매 동기 부여 각 제품 판매에 따른 비용 절감 효과 등을 누릴 수 있습니다. ZAN코인을 이용하는 사람들 즉,프리랜서들은 자신의 일에 대한 투자로 ZAN코인을 유지할지 ZAN코인을 팔아 현금화 할지 결정할 것입니다. 제품판매의 수익은 ZAN토큰으로 변환되어 ZAN코인 보유자들에게 균등하게 배분됩니다. 구매를 하면 돌아오는 즉, 페이백과 같은 옵션은 토큰이 계속 순환하게 하고 성장을 장려하는 한 가지 방법입니다. ZAN은 많은 고객들에게 별도로 판매되는 소프트웨어 솔루션을 생산합니다. 각 판매액에 대한 수입은 현재 보유자로부터 구입하거나 적립금을 사용해 ZAN코인으로 환산됩니다. 총 이익은 회사에 대해 50%, 토큰 소유자에게 50% 씩 나누어 집니다. 이것은 ZAN그룹의 개발과 사업을 증대시키며, 그에 대한 투자자들에게 수입을 창출할 수 있도록 합니다. ZAN Coin Model Explained 다음 동영상을 보면 이해가 빠르게 될 수 있습니다. ZAN Coin (ZAN) ICO 평가 ZAN 에 대한 평가는 ICO bench 등재되어 있으나 아직 전문가 평점은 없습니다. 추후 변동가능성이 큽니다. *ICO에 대한 평가는 절대적 지표가 아닙니다. ZAN Coin (ZAN) 팀 자문위원들은 모두 뺐을 때 이 세명이 핵심 팀입


Lucyd-interactive display or smart glasses using blocking technology Good afternoon, dear readers! In this article I want to bring to your attention one more unique invention in the field of IT technologies. And so, this is Lucyd's smart glasses. Smart glasses, thanks to their functions, open new opportunities in entertainment, business and education. According to statistical data, the capitalization of the smart-glasses market will reach 134 billion dollars by 2021. The main demand will be in North America and possibly the growth rate will be about 80%. Developers of the Lucyd platform, have created a more advanced model of smart glasses, which can conquer the entire main market. The main uniqueness of these glasses, which makes it possible to stand out against the background of other smart glasses, is probably that they work on the basis of blockade technology                     To implement this project, the company plans to organize a number of events to ra


HeliosCoin ICOHeliosCoin ICO The HLC token is аn Ethеrеum tоkеn bаѕеd on thе ERC-20 ѕtаndаrd. HLC tоkеnѕ grant their hоldеrѕ the right to: gеtting 100% rеvеnuе frоm оur оwn mining operations in twо stages: 75% аrе раid immеdiаtеlу 25% invеѕtеd tо inсrеаѕе futurе рауmеntѕ rесеiving 35% оf HeliosCoin’s rеvеnuе frоm mining operations оf third раrtiеѕ voting аnd vеtо роwеr in mаking imроrtаnt dесiѕiоnѕ rеgаrding thе company’s ѕtrаtеgу Tokens аrе оffеrеd fоr 92 dауѕ: frоm Julу 1ѕt 2018 tо October 1ѕt 2018. Company Hеliоѕ Mining Ltd. starts HеliоѕCоin ICO – itѕ thе wоrld’ѕ firѕt Autonomous Mining solution fосuѕеd оn alternative еnеrgу ѕоurсеѕ. Thе proposal will be open to thе world community. Rеѕtriсtiоnѕ аррlу tо rеѕidеntѕ of Gеrmаnу, аѕ wеll as tо invеѕtоrѕ frоm thе Unitеd States. Tоtаl аmоunt оf tokens: 5 milliоn tokens (Unаllосаtеd tоkеnѕ will not bе сrеаtеd) Token рriсе at thе release: 0.001 ETH Tоkеn Diѕtributiоn: Bоuntу рrоgrаm – 3% of diѕtributеd tokens Tеаm of fоun


Worlds First Cryptocurrency Dedicated to the Education Extra credit gives a solution to this battle by providing a Bitcoin instructional platform which will produce bitcoin specialists. Allow's understand extra regarding the project.Extra Credit supplies you with decentralized blockchain academic platform which will certainly fix the absence of blockchain professionals. It supplies courses with a review of blockchain innovation along with its extensive understanding and also will assist pupils to a perfect occupation in the blockchain. The system likewise gives an opportunity to its users to gain by supplying modules which will be handy to students. It additionally arranges arguments as well as forums for the energetic participation of students and gives them with even more expertise on cryptocurrency. The platform also incentivizes the trainees by awarding them on the conclusion of each program. Extra Credit is the system which will satisfy the future needs of blockch