ICO Arcona Targets 1 Billion Users to AR Market

ICO Arcona Targets 1 Billion Users to AR Market

By 2020, it is projected that there will be 1 billion extended reality (AR) users.
Augmented Reality: a technology that places digital elements in the real world, can have a transformational impact on how we live.

Currently, there is no single tool that lets users interact well with increasing reality. The internal AR project is relatively easy to build, but in the open they have more problems. And there are several different AR platforms that currently only support one AR-compatible device.

Clients can change the original space that includes virtual reality that they can access via phone, tablet or headset, for example HoloLens or comparative. In the realization of this computerization, everyone can rent a piece of land and start working together on the AR stage.Everything will be controlled remotely, so the client will have the ability to run a business anywhere in the world without having to leave his office. Token owners will be interested in offering and claiming virtual packages and getting rental installments if their share is used by other AR programs on stage.

Tourism and travel - a huge global industry

Tourism and travel (including accommodation services, food and beverage services, passenger transport services, car rentals, travel and sports agencies, recreational and conference services), employment rates and access to the tourism industry, the number of visitors and the amount they spend.
By 2016 (10.2% of GDP), tourism spending and travel to gross domestic product (including investment securities, wider supply chains and wider revenue) totaled $ 7,613.3 billion. And it is estimated to grow by 3.6% to $ 7,884.7 billion (10.2% of GDP) by 2017. Expected to increase 3.9% annually (per year) to 11,512.9 billion US dollars in 2027 ( 11, 4% of GDP).
The money spent by foreign visitors to the country (or visitor exports) is a major component of the direct contribution of Travel & Tourism. In 2016, world exports reached 1,301.5 billion dollars. United States of America.

Expected in 2017 will grow by 4.5%, and is expected in the world will attract 1,297,780,000 foreign tourists. By 2027, the number of foreign tourists is estimated to reach 2,042,420,000 people, resulting in a cost of $ 2,221.0 billion.US, which is 4.3% more. With a conservative note, if your digital land only captures 1% of tourism and travel contributions, e.g. 115.13 billion US dollars (11.512.9 billion US dollars at 1%) in 2027. The expected profits are large and will continue to grow .

Arcona's ability

Remote Position:  Tools like the amazing ARKit, Project Tango and Windows Holographic have provided mobile devices with new capabilities. Motion tracking allows the device to understand its position and orientation as it moves in three-dimensional space.

Place of marketing:  In 2014, we launched the world's first augmented reality park in the Latvian city of Ludza. It is a small town with a population of about 5,000 people. In 3 years, more than 200,000 people came to see the reconstruction of the Teutonic knights palace.

New Jobs in P2P Economy:  Experts predict job losses sweep across many sectors of the economy due to the introduction of robotics and artificial intelligence. Many of us have been caught in cyberspace since childhood, when the games we play teach us skills, including the ability to create 3D objects and redeem them. Finally, these skills can find their realworld app.


Arcona is a universal information space that unites the real and virtual worlds in a single ecosystem. It is a peer-to-peer network with infrastructure including Digital Land Registry and other digital assets.

The Arcona ecosystem platform combines the functions of distributed GIS, augmented reality, 3D simulation, AI and blockchain architecture. Enlarged reality layers can be accessed on-site by using AR Viewer user arms facing customers with mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, smartphones with AR headsets, AR glasses and independent headsets like HoloLens contact lenses, AR, and more.

Population of Ecosystems

Landowners, tenants, developers and users are the categories considered to be ecosystem dwellers.

Landowners can buy and sell land, lease it, and place AR content on the land plots. Tenants can lease the land, rent it out, and put AR content on the rented plot per condition specified by the land owner.

Competitive Advantage of Arcona Platform

  1. Accurate remote placement of added reality objects in a changing environment.
  2. Ability to connect virtual content with real landscape anywhere in the world, regardless of size.
  3. A network of ready-made markers anchored in landscapes around the world.
  4. The modular architecture is open, making third-party integration possible.
  5. A universal augmented reality environment that connects developers and consumers.
  6. Ability for various users without certain programming skills to create and monetize content in an added reality environment.
  7. The ability to combine virtual and visually appealing space that is properly aligned with user movement.
  8. Ability to significantly reduce mobile device load while performing tasks related to computer vision.
  9. Ecosystems have great social significance, as they give creative people the opportunity to present their projects to the wider community.
  10. Arcona will be an integrated platform, where a vast community of developers and users will communicate and share experiences, which in turn will facilitate the development of AR technology and make the platform an industry standard.


The Arcona system can be monetized in the following ways:
  • direct sales and lease of land adjusted for use with the Arcona platform of Digital Land ownership,
  • royalties (Royalties, paid to the rights owner) equal to commissions taken for transactions in the system (eg arcona tokens purchases and sales, resale of digital land in secondary markets and rental markets, uploads custom AR content, such as 3D models, textures, animations and scripts, into the system),
  • sales content in the system,
  • cost of services for ground maintenance
The occupant system will be able to generate by creating and selling their own creations and leasing their land.

Arcona Token

Arcona Token is the internal currency of the Arcona ecosystem. Arcona can be redeemed for digital land, other digital assets, and various paid services. Arcona can also be obtained by performing tasks defined by Arcona Ecosystem.

Arcona will have limited emissions - the total supply will depend on ICO results, but not more than 135,000,000 Arcona tokens . As the system grows, the number of digital assets that can be exchanged exclusively for Arcona tokens will continue to increase. The increasing population system will also result in price increases for digital soil. All of these factors will cause Arcona to become scarce, therefore more valuable.

  1. Scarcity - limited inventory
  2. Demand - demand is higher than supply
  3. The request was made by user revenue
The token will be put into internal circulation as soon as the first quarter of 2018, and will be used to pay the people performing various tasks for the system, as well as the creators.

ICO discussion

Token Name: Arcona
Token Price: 0.0025 ETH
Hard Cap: 135 000 ETH
Soft Cap: 2746 ETH
Minimum Contribution: 0.025 ETH


November 27 - December 27, 2017

Bonus system:

12.5 ETH to 37.5 ETH: bonus 15%
37.5 ETH to 75.0 ETH: 20% bonus
75.0 ETH to 125.0 ETH: bonus 25%
125.0 ETH and above: 30% bonus


January 25 - February 25, 2018

Bonus system:

10% bonus on the first day, bonus down 1% every day.
No offers for the last 20 days.


In 2023, the use of Augmented Reality as a broad phenomenon; Piligrim XXI and Arcona AR Ecosystem we have become the industry standard; we have successfully combined the physical and virtual world into a single, complementary reality environment that has reached a total area of ​​100,000 km² of AR georeferencing area in the world's major capitals; the ecosystem community and its internal economy are fully operational and rely on millions of active users, participating in further development and perfection.


Develop augmented reality (AR) technology that enhances and brings new experiences to human beings.


  • 2018 Q1: Arcona market launch and account unit, sales kit development.
  • 2018 Q2: Launch of AR Viewer prototypes and apps with bonuses for testers and reconnaissance.
  • 2018 Q3: Launch of technology prototype for AR Grid; the launch of the remote positioning tool for the mobile platform.
  • 2018 Q4: Launch AR Viewer.
  • 2019: Introduction of AR Grid positioning system in 10 largest cities in the world. Create a total of 1,500 km2 of Digital Land for sale. Launch of internal economy.
  • 2020: Increase the georeferential AR area size to 40,000 km2 and create the Worldwide Augmented Reality Grid.
  • 2023: Increase the georeferential AR area size to 100,000 km², combining the physical and virtual world into a single augmented real environment.

For more information

Author: Scoppy


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